Press for brASS

(brASS Burlesque photo by Nisha Sondhe)

(brASS Burlesque photo by Nisha Sondhe)

  • brASS Burlesque Featured in The New York Times: “Burlesque, Redefined”

  • sister selva and exHOTic other featured in: HuffPost's: Queer Voices

  • Miss AuroraBoobRealis & brASS burlesque have been featured in: HuffPost's: Arts&Culture

  • exHOTic other, sister selva, & Miss AuroraBoobRealis photographed for Nisha Sondhe's project featured in "In photos: A burlesque guide to making it through chemo" QUARTZ

  • exHOTic other, sister selva in an MSNBC feature (from work in their previous company, founded by Miss AuroraBoobRealis & Maya Haynes) sister selva & exHOTic other speak about being queer women of color in burlesque on MSNBC

  • Miss AuroraBoobRealis was interviewed by Yes! Magazine

  • exHOTic other's featured interview in Grist

  • Brandeis University student who was so inspired after attending their show at her school that she did a follow-up interview about brASS Burlesque's work in a piece in Medium